How To Lose 30 Pounds With This 14 Day Diet

The 14 Day Diet has been created after over a decade of research, personal experimentation and experimenting with hundreds of clients in person and thousands more through our website and Online training.

When you follow The 14 Day Diet for just 14 days you’ll see amazing benefits in how your body looks and feels. Plus… you can do anything for 14 days so take the 14-day challenge and make sure you follow through with starting The 14 Day Diet today.

How To Lose 30 Pounds With This 14 Day Diet


It’s important to note that these recommendations, although sound and proven, should be passed by your healthcare practitioner before you begin following The 14 Day Diet.

The purpose of this diet is to take everything that we’ve learned and distill it into a set of very simple principles that will allow you to lose fat and regain your health in a way that is satisfying and sustainable.

Don’t be fooled by the simplicity of the diet however. We’ve found that complexity is what causes most people to fail and give up. Which is why, although the following pages will educate you on The 14 Day Diet’s philosophy based on hard nutritional biochemistry principals, it will be simple in nature to understand and implement.

In fact, The 14 Day Diet can be distilled into 3 simple “RULES”:

RULE #1 – Eat Fat Burning Foods Most Of The Time
RULE #2 – Boost Your Metabolism With Intermittent Cheat Days
RULE #3 – Detoxify Your Body Through Intermittent Fasting

For best results, take the time to read through this manual and then follow along to either the beginner, intermediate or advanced 14 Day Diet protocol.

We recommend starting with the beginner protocol and moving up as you consistently success with each cycle.

Let’s get started by teaching you how your body works and how eating more (not less) as long as it’s more of the right food will be the secret to your fat loss success!

Rule #1 – Eat Fat Burning Foods Most Of The Time

We all know that in order to burn fat and become lean that you need to eat fat burning foods most of the time, right? However… what are fat burning foods?

Most of the information out there is focused around reducing calories in order to burn fat. But that ignores 2 major hurdles that are also the 2 major reasons people fail on their diets. Those hurdles are:

  • Overcoming hunger cravings (I’ll show you the easy way to do this without willpower in a sec)
  • Low calories foods taste bad (I’ll show you how to eat delicious foods that taste amazing and leave you feeling fully satisfied!)

In The 14 Day Diet we completely ditch the idea of focusing on calories in and calories out and instead focus on optimizing your macronutrient ratios.

By doing this, you will put your body into fat burning mode all while feeling 100% full and satisfied without the need for willpower. How do you do this?

Well… the best way to make sure your foods are burning fat is by focusing on is balancing your ratio of Protein, Carbs and Fat in your diet. After all, we’ve found through over a decade of diet experimentation that the amount you eat of each of these macronutrients is more important than how much you eat overall.

Let me explain a little more about what each macronutrient does in your body and why balancing the ratio you eat of them is so important for developing a fat burning metabolism without feeling hungry.

If you’re looking for what specific foods are fat burning foods, then skip ahead to that section.

The Carb Facts

Carbs are like rocket fuel for your body. They give you quick energy and are the main fuel source for high power output activities like intense physical exercise or sprint like activities.

However… eating too many carbs causes an elevation in blood sugar levels which makes it difficult to burn fat (more on this in a second). In addition, when blood sugar goes up it eventually has to come down. And when it does, you’ll experience cravings for more carbs which can cause a vicious hunger cycle.

Finally… in nature, the only place carbs are readily available to eat is in fruit. Which… inherently limited our ability to get carbohydrates in our diet in the quantities we are getting them today. In fact, the world we live in today gives us nearly unlimited access to carbs in different forms which we believe is the #1 cause behind almost every disease including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, alzheimers, etc.

But don’t worry, I’m not gonna tell you to avoid carbs all together. In fact, I’ll show you how to properly cycle and time your carbs so that you lose fat quickly and efficiently and maximize the results you get from your workouts all while being able to eat pizza, pasta, sweets and anything else you desire!

The Protein Facts

There’s not a single diet system in the world that demonizes protein for it’s fattening effects. There’s 2 good reason for this though.

First… is that protein is the literal building blocks of your muscle tissue and helps you recover faster from your workouts. This means that protein is a 100% necessity for anyone who exercises. But there’s something that protein does better than the other macronutrients that makes it nearly magical.

You see… your hunger cravings are regulated by a number of hormones and peptides in your body. A few being leptin, ghrelin and also PYY. These hormones effectively regulate your appetite. And guess what? Increased carb consumption reduces the effects that these “hunger hormones/peptides” have in your body making you feel more hungry.

However… protein consumption increases the prevalence and effectiveness of these hormones and peptides making you feel less hungry. The bottom line is… if you’ve been searching for a way to be less hungry without willpower, protein is your answer! I’ll show you how to properly time your protein intake in a sec to make sure you get the best hunger reducing effects possible!

The Fat Facts

Fats have been the most demonized macronutrient for the past few decades and all because one study called “The China Study” claimed that the people who ate the most fat were the fattest. What they didn’t tell you was that “Fat” in this study was categorized by eating foods like pizza, ice cream chocolate cake etc. which are all foods high in processed carbs and sugars as well.

But this brings up a great point that will help you understand why eating foods that have both fat and processed carbs and sugars are so bad. You see… your body was designed with 2 different ways of utilizing energy.

The first way is what I call “The Sugar Burning Metabolism” and is based on your body using glucose (sugar and carbs) for fuel. When you have glucose in your body from consuming sugar and carbs, your body will always preferentially be in “Sugar Burning Mode”. This is because fat is a better fuel for long duration activities while carbs deliver greater short term energy.

Try to think of fat as unleaded gas vs. carbs being rocket fuel as I mentioned above. And… your body will always burn rocket fuel (carbs & sugar) if you have it in your system. What this all means is… when you eat foods that contain both carbs and fat, your body will burn the carbs that it can, store all the fat for later (on your belly, love handles thighs etc.). From there, any excess carbs that aren’t used and aren’t stored in your muscles or liver for later use are converted into triglycerides (fat) and also stored on your body.

As you can see, eating carbs combined with fat is the easiest way to cause weight gain. Couple that with the reduced effects of your “hunger hormones/peptides” and your blood sugar crashes and you’ll see exactly why most people get trapped in a cycle of feeling hungry, having low energy and never being able to lose weight.

However… there is a second way your body utilizes energy which I call “The Fat Burning Metabolism” and is based on your body using fat as its main fuel source rather than glucose.

You see.. when you reduce your carbohydrate intake low enough and eat more fat for fuel, your body will switch from using rocket fuel (carbs & sugar) and begin using it’s stores of unleaded (fat) instead.

When this happens, your body will begin to use the foods you eat, along with unwanted fat from all of your problem areas as fuel and can often cause dramatic weight loss within just a few days/weeks.

And if you’re worried about an increase to your fat intake causing greater risk for disease, then you need to know the truth… that fat is NOT unhealthy as long as it is healthy fats. But what kind of fat is healthy to eat?

The short technical answer is… natural fats from real foods, with a low chance for rancidity that help to balance your omega 3:6 ratio.

Let me unpack that a little. You see… the #1 concern for eating too much fat is a worry about increasing your risk for heart disease. As I mentioned above, if you avoid eating fats and carbs together, you’ll avoid obesity and your overall risk for heart disease will be significantly lower than the average man/woman.

However… there are fats that cause heart disease as well as fats that are benign to your heart or can even improve heart health and function.

The fats that cause heart disease are fats that convert into small dense LDL particles. In fact, did you know that small dense LDL particles are 3 times more likely to cause plaque buildup in your arteries than “fluffy” buoyant LDL particles?

Even more, the fats that tend to form small dense LDL particles are often high in Omega 6 fatty acids which when not in balance with your consumption of Omega 3 fatty acids can cause inflammation throughout your body.

So… what fats cause the formation of small dense LDL particles?

The biggest culprit by far are trans fats (hydrogenated oils), industrial seed oils and fats that have the potential to go rancid. Oils like canola oil, vegetable oil, soybean oil, corn oil, safflower oil, sesame oil, etc. should be avoided at all costs! Also, oils that are not heat stable or have a propensity for going rancid should also be avoided as they can cause inflammation and damage to your arteries if eaten. But what about saturated fats?

Turns out, saturated fats aren’t unhealthy for you after all. Particularly if they come from high quality sources. The reason for this is that saturated fats are highly heat stable, making them easy to cook with as well as have a very long natural shelf life. In fact, foods like grass fed beef have twice the amounts of Omega 3 fats as conventional beef.

The bottom line is… fats are not bad for you and eating more fat may be the answer you need to finally lose the fat that you have stuck on your body right now. I’ll explain how to approach eating more fats while losing weight and increasing your health in a sec, but first let me bring all of this information together.


Now that you know more about protein, carbs and fat and what they actually do in your body. You should be sold on the idea of reducing your carb & sugar intake and increasing your protein and fat intake in order to turn your “Fat Burning Metabolism” on so you can finally melt the problem fat off your body, right? Well… before you go all gung-ho, there is a downside to constantly eating few carbs.

First of all is the fact that you will only stick to diets that satisfy your needs. I don’t know about you but the thought of never eating my favorite carbs again sounds not just sad but impossible to me.

And… while your metabolism will adapt and you will begin to feel more energy and focus from being on a low carb diet, often times people will lose the ability to perform well during high intensity exercise or sprint like activities.

This simply happens because the available amount of rocket fuel (carbs & sugar) stored in your muscles and liver has been depleted. When this happens you simply don’t have the same amount of energy to be able to bring your all to an intense and difficult workout.

Furthermore, a significant number of people who go on exclusively low carb diets will experience negative effects to their hormones which can contribute to weight gain and low energy. The bottom line is that eating low carb forever is probably not a good idea and is also not realistic for most people.

In the upcoming pages, I’ll explain exactly how The 14 Day Diet works and how you can use the information above to be able to lose fat faster than you ever thought possible. Before I get to how The 14 Day Diet works though, let me explain to you RULE #2 which solves the problem of you running out of rocket fuel for your workouts, boosts your metabolic hormones and allows you to eat all of your favorite foods all while having zero guilt.

Rule #2 – Boost Your Metabolism With Intermittent Cheat Days

As you probably got from the last chapter, we believe that the best and fastest way to reduce your body fat is by cutting carbs and increasing your protein and fat intake. However, I did mention that there is are 3 BIG problems with following a traditional low carb diet.

These problems are:

1.) Success on a diet is determined by satisfaction. If you aren’t satisfied by what you eat, you will eventually quit. Not eating carbs ever again is probably impossible for most people so low carb for life should be considered nearly impossible for most people.

2.) When you eat low carb, your body will eventually deplete itself of glycogen stores in your liver and muscles. When this happens your ability to perform high intensity exercises and sprint like activities greatly diminishes. This leaves you unable to bring your all during workouts causing you to see worse results from your exercise routine.

3.) For many people, eating low carb can cause negative effects to your hormones which can contribute to weight gain and low energy. This seems to be even worse for people who exercise intensely.

So… what’s the solution?

Intermittent Cheat Days

By adding in a cheat day once in awhile, you’ll scratch the itch of eating your favorite sweets, carbs and other favorite foods. This will keep you satisfied and allow you to make The 14 Day Diet your own personal nutritional philosophy rather than just another diet that you follow.

In addition, most cheat foods are high in carbs & sugar. Which, when coupled with a workout and low glycogen stores can mostly be shuttled to your muscles and liver for later use during your other workouts.

This means that intermittently eating cheat foods will help you get better results from your exercise routine by giving you more energy when you really need it during a hard workout.

Next, intermittently increasing your calorie intake especially in the form of carbs has been shown to boost your metabolism. The easy way to think about this is that when you eat low carb, your body will be burning that unleaded fuel (fat) at a slow to medium rate. But when you over consume calories and carbs, you metaphorically splash rocket fuel (carbs & sugar) on the flames making the fire burn hotter for a period of time.

Finally, periodically increasing your carb intake has been shown to boost the mother of all fat burning hormones, testosterone, while also reducing the levels of the fat storing stress hormone cortisol. This can help you lose fat significantly faster, especially problem fat that you’ve had a hard time getting rid of in the past.

This happens because cortisol and testosterone seem to have a direct relationship with each other. As cortisol goes up, testosterone goes down.

And, while increasing your insulin levels on a daily basis can cause you to store more body fat, increased insulin levels seems to have a cortisol lowering effect on your body. Overall it looks like this:

Intermittent Cheat Day = Insulin Up = Cortisol Down = Testosterone Up

This is EXTREMELY important to note as higher testosterone levels in both men and women have been associated with:

  •  Reduced Body Fat
  • Increased Lean Muscle Mass
  • Increased Strength
  • Increased Sex Drive
  • Increased Energy & Focus
  • Increased Motivation
  • Better Sleep
  • And More!

And to think… all you have to do to be satisfied with your diet, increase your drive, energy and motivation during your workouts and optimize your fat loss hormones is to eat your favorite foods!

But you can’t just have a free for all every day. In just a second I’ll share with you how to combine balancing your macronutrient ratios with intermittently cheating on your diet so that you can get the fastest and most sustainable fat loss results possible. But first, let me address RULE #3 which will make sure you achieve the absolute best health and weight loss possible.

RULE #3 – Detoxify Your Body Through Intermittent Fasting

How would you like to:

  • Increase Your Happiness
  • Burn Fat Off Your Trouble Spots
  • Protect Yourself Against Cancer
  • Reduce Cholesterol And Your Risk Of Heart Disease
  • Detoxify Your Entire Body
  • Rebuild Your Immune System
  • Slow The Aging Process
  • Reverse Diabetes
  • And Increase Your Lifespan

Without having to do anything?

Enter Intermittent Fasting

Fasting has been around for thousands of years and was even touted as a “fix all” remedy by many cultures. Recently, it’s been gaining popularity again mostly because people have been studying it and the results are AMAZING!

When you periodically stop eating, your body is forced to find fuel to give you energy. As we mentioned before, your body flips into a “Fat Burning Metabolism” and begins to use your stored body fat for fuel. However… there’s even more benefit to intermittently fasting.

You see, when you enter into starvation mode, scientists have found that your body undergoes a detoxification process. While it is burning fat for fuel, it’s also seems to seek out old immune cells and damaged cells and use them for fuel. It’s your body’s natural system of “taking out the trash”.

Even more, the “hunger hormones/peptides” that I told you about earlier become more sensitive to the body making you less likely to overeat after you fast intermittently.

Finally, the only way scientists have found to increase lifespan is through calorie reduction. Intermittent Fasting is a great way to trigger the same starvation response and receive the same benefits of a calorie reduced diet without having to deprive yourself daily.

And the best part is… you literally don’t have to do anything but not eat, and you’ll get all of the amazing results I listed above!

By now you’re probably wondering how all 3 of these RULES will work together in order to create The 14 Day Diet. In the next chapter I’ll tell you exactly how you can combine low carb eating with intermittent fasting and cheating so you can get the fastest fat loss results possible!


Now that you know the 3 rules of The 14 Day Diet:

RULE #1 – Eat Fat Burning Foods Most Of The Time
RULE #2 – Boost Your Metabolism With Intermittent Cheat Days
RULE #3 – Detoxify Your Body Through Intermittent Fasting

It’s time to explain why we call this “The 14 Day Diet”.

You see, The 14 Day Diet is really just that. It’s a diet cycle that consists of 3 different types of days that you follow for just 14 days. Then… you can repeat the 14 day cycle over and over again until you get to your desired level of leanness. After that, you can switch to a 7 day cycle which I’ll explain at the end of this book.

For now, here’s how the 14 day diet works:

12 – Fat Burning Foods Days
1 – Intermittent Cheat Day
1 – Intermittent Fasting Day

It’s really that simple… and YES! It’s EXTREMELY effective!

Just follow along to The 14 Day Diet for two weeks and you’ll see the results for yourself. In fact, you’ll see results that are powerful enough that it will motivate you to go for 14 more days and hopefully repeat many times!
I myself have made The 14 Day Diet a lifestyle choice as it’s helped me to lose 30lbs and get into the best shape of my life!

I’ll explain the fat burning foods you should be eating, the fat storing foods you should be avoiding as well as give you beginner, intermediate and advanced 14 Day Diet Protocols to get you from where you are right now to as lean as you want to get.



  • Steak
  • Ground beef
  • Turkey
  • Lamb
  • Eggs
  • Chicken (light and dark meat)
  • Shrimp
  • Lobster and other shellfish
  • Pork
  • Bacon
  • Ground lamb


  • Zucchini
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Green beans
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Mushrooms
  • Arugula
  • Spinach
  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli rabe
  • Celery
  • Snow peas
  • Bell peppers
  • Onion
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Artichoke
  • Eggplant


  • Avocados
  • Olives


  • Greek yogurt
  • Heavy whipping cream
  • Mayonnaise (homemade)
  • Cottage cheese
  • Sour cream
  • Marscarpone
  • Creme fraice
  • Blue cheese
  • Cheddar
  • Parmesan
  • Feta
  • Swiss
  • Other hard cheeses


  • Macadamia nuts
  • Brazil nuts
  • Pecans
  • Almonds
  • Cashews
  • Pistachios
  • Hazelnuts
  • Pine nuts
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Peanuts


  • Cayenne pepper
  • Chili powder
  • Cinnamon
  • Oregano
  • Basil
  • Cilantro
  • Parsley
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme


  • Fatty fish
  • Non-hydrogenated animal (eg. Bacon) fat
  • Lard
  • Tallow
  • Butter
  • Ghee
  • Coconut butter
  • Cocao butter
  • Olive oil
  • Avocado oil
  • MCT oil
  • Macadamia oil


  • Water (try to drink 1oz per 2 lbs of bodyweight)
  • Broth (chicken, beef, etc.)
  • Coffee (black with a splash of heavy cream)
  • Tea (hot or iced, use Stevia for sweetener)
  • Sparkling water (add lemon, mint, cucumber, etc. For natural flavor)
  • Sparkling drinks (La Croix, Pellegrino, Perrier, etc.)



  • Luncheon meats with excessive sugar
  • Hot dogs
  • Vienna sausages


  • Carrots
  • Beetroot
  • Rutabaga
  • Celeriac
  • Sweet potato
  • Parsnips
  • Potatoes
  • Yams
  • Yucca
  • Corn


  • Bananas
  • Pineapples
  • Papaya
  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Grapes
  • Mangoes
  • Tangerines
  • Watermelon
  • All fruit juices
  • Smoothies
  • Dried fruits (eg. Raisins, dates)
  • Fruit syrups
  • Fruit concentrates


  • Kidney beans
  • Chickpeas
  • Black beans
  • Lentils
  • Green peas
  • Lima beans
  • Pinto beans
  • White beans
  • Cannelloni beans
  • Fava beans
  • Black eyed peas


  • Cheese spreads
  • Coffee creamers
  • Commercial milk replacements
  • Milk
  • Shredded cheeses
  • Fat-free butter substitutes
  • Low fat cream cheese
  • Low fat whipped toppings
  • Fat free or low fat yogurt
  • Half and half


  • Sunflower oil
  • Safflower oil
  • Cottonseed oil
  • Canola oil
  • Soybean oil
  • Corn oil
  • Trans fats such as butter substitutes
  • Margarine


  • Honey
  • Agave
  • Maple syrup
  • Raw sugar
  • Turbinado sugar
  • High-fructose corn syrup
  • Cane sugar
  • Sodas


  • Beer
  • Cider
  • Soda
  • Zero-calorie soda
  • Sweet wine
  • Cocktails
  • Spirits
  • Grain alcohol
  • Sparkling wines
  • Light beers
  • Champagne
  • Wine Coolers


There are 7 food categories that I focus on avoiding during my fat burning food days. It’s much easier to just eat off “The Good Foods” list in the last section, but I wanted to include what I call “The 7 Deadly Fat Storing Foods” so you could get a little more information as to why you should avoid them and what they can do to damage your health if you eat them too often. Also, try not to worry too much as you’ll still have your cheat days to enjoy these foods.

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